SuperbThemes Blogrid Theme GPL Overview:
Blogrid is a clean and creative
blog theme
for writers and bloggers. The theme is responsive, it is fully compatible with mobile phones, desktop computers, and tablets such as iPads.
The WordPress theme has a multi-purpose design that is minimal and simple. The readability is optimized through great typography. You can use it as a
newspaper or magazine
where you post your news about your personal life, food, entertainment, gaming, or anything else.
Page builders work fine with the theme, and since it’s full width by default you can create a landing page or one page easily to visualize your business, agency, or consultant company. Since we have made it useful for companies too we have of course spent a lot of time optimizing the SEO (search engine optimization) and load time, so when your visitors load your site, they will have a great experience.
There is also lots of space for ads such as AdSense and other ads programs, through a lot of widget opportunities.
Superb Themes Blogrid Theme GPL Features:
Header Background Color
Custom Navigation Logo Or Text
Hide Logo Text
Fully SEO Optimized
Recent Posts Widget
Easy Google Fonts
Pagespeed Plugin
Only Show Header Image On Front Page
Elementor Compatible
Custom Text On Header Image
Only Show Upper Widgets On Front Page
Lower Image Resolution To Increase Website Performance
Replace Copyright Text
Full-Width Page and Post Template
Customize Upper Widgets Colors
Customize Navigation Color
Customize Post/Page Color
Customize Background Color
Access All Child Themes
Importable Demo Content
Multiple Website Support